Serigrafian Peruskurssi / Introduction to Silkscreen Print
ma 15. tammik.
Learn the processes involved in translating drawings and photographs into a silkscreen print. The course will cover everything you need to get you started using water-based inks. This workshop is perfect for anyone with an interest in screen printing.

Time & Location
15. tammik. 2024 klo 16.00 – 21. tammik. 2024 klo 21.00
Helsinki, Ouluntie 3, 00550 Helsinki, Finland
About the event
Teaching days: Monday 17-20h, Saturday 17−20h and Sunday 17−21h
Duration of the workshop: 10h
Price: 250€ p/course and p/person, including materials. If you wish to purchase extra paper, you can do it at the studio, there is a price list.
Capacity: max 2.
Address: Vargas Print Studio, Ouluntie 3, 00550 Helsinki
Registration until 14.1.
For registration, 50% of the workshop fee is made in advance and in case of cancelling, it is not returned. Payment is made to Vargas Print Studio FI2415443000117239. Message: Silkscreen print workshop and name. We need information for reservation and billing purposes.
About the course:
Learn the processes involved in translating drawings and photographs into a screen print. The course will cover everything you need to get you started, from preparing your artwork for print and getting your image onto a screen using photo-stencil technique, to printing and registration, using water-based inks. You can also work on your own projects and receive help with any specific printing skills that you would like to gain. This workshop is perfect for anyone with an interest in screen printing, either beginners or those who want to build upon any existing skills. All materials and equipment provided. This workshop is tailored according to the participant’s level of knowledge in printmaking. Preference will be given by order of registering. Explore this diverse medium in a friendly learning environment using Vargas Print Studio facilities.
Monday 15.1. (17−20h)
What is silkscreen and what can with do with it?
Some examples will be shown, and some limitations will be discussed. The focus will be on the technical process of your image before we can start printing. You will be asked to work on your own theme, after that your image will be processed and printed on transparencies.
Saturday 20.1. (17−20h)
We will learn how to take care of the screen and apply photosensitive emulsion. While the emulsion is drying, we will prepare and cut the positives for UV exposure.
We will expose the screen, wash the image, correct pinholes, and expose again.
Sunday 21.1. (17−21h)
We will learn how to prepare the inks, decide colours, and prepare/cut the papers for printing.
We will print your image! We will print in turns, where one person prints and the other assists, and then the other way around. I will be present and help if needed. After that we will sign and learn what edition means and what are the most used terminations in printmaking rules of conduct (or no rules at all). We will then finish in learning how to clean the studio after printing and maintain the screen by washing out the image and emulsion away with special products.
Tea and coffee breaks will be provided. You can bring food and snacks, there is a microwave and a fridge. There will be a lunch break from 18:30 - 19:00.
Before the course please bring:
- Found images, this can be anything from magazine cuttings, newspaper images, illustrations, hand drawn images, photographs and even found object such as fabrics or textured materials (this will need to be an object with a flat surface).
- Please note, images should be high contrast, as they will be converted into black and white positive. You bring your own image as an original print out or as a digital image (300dpi) on a memory stick or send to rita.vargas(a)gmail.com in advance.
- Each person will have a screen with the printing area about 55 x 33 cm. In this frame, you can print a monochromatic image, or you can divide the surface of the image in 2 to 3 colours.
You can bring your own paper, or you can purchase at the studio, there is a price list.
- Please wear suitable clothing as you will be working with ink and other screen-printing materials. Aprons and all materials are provided.
- Wear sturdy and appropriate shoes: e.g., trainers, closed leather shoes or work boots – NOT open-toed sandals.
- Please arrive promptly for courses, as time is limited. It is essential to attend each day of the course.
We look forward to seeing you! 😊